I often refer to this picture as the best thing (even in it's unfinished form) I've ever drawn. It is entitled "The Assasinaton of Autorobocrat". Why I bring this up is that I am to introduce myself to the classes, which includes listing my awfully boring hobbies (i.e, sleeping, hiking, writing, drawing). And, as I list these hobbies, I need pictures for examples, as the student's English is apparently awful. Unfortunately, this is the sort of thing I draw. I wonder what they will think of their new
Currently, I am living in two apartments, and it is a little nervewracking to ha

ve to consistently keep moving from apartment to apartment just to get ready in the morning. I probably make a very fun sight, running in between with dirty plates, then socks, and then shoes. The apartment I am supposed to be living in, and the one I am paying rent for has no key, so I don't feel comfortable leaving some of more precious belongings in there, nor do I feel comfortable sleeping in there. Also, the window is still broken, and so is the washing machine. I'm wondering if some things have been forgotten during the renovation, like the curious lack of a bathroom sink, and the missing lid to the washing machine as well as drying racks for my clothing. Hopefully, it is just the language gap and I'm misunderstanding when I am to actually move in, although I'm nearly postive she said it was two days ago.
I get three days off to enjoy Obon, and I think I may go to Suzu to see my new friend Ezzie. There really isn't much to say about her other than I genuinely like her. She's very friendly in the stereo-typcial English mother sort of way (although she is my age). I'm hoping to hear many fascinating stories from her as I go. As for me, it's quite clear that today has a boring entry.
Hey you,
Autorobocrat forever!
I saw a site that suggested that you do a short introduction and then play an English game instead of doing a long introduction... this site has some nice easy games you can play with any age group; http://www.genkienglish.net/games.htm
In fact, Ye-sensei played this one with us (in Japanese) when we started out:
Just a thought. ^_^
Send me your mailing address!
I will send you my mailing address the second I figure it out! Waaa! It's so confusing here.
I'm going to play a true/false introduction game, where they have to bet on the answers.
Like... My town is bigger than Togi. "I bet 3 dollars on true." "Mwahaha! It is FALSE!"
But I will go to that website. It is too late for me to change my lesson plan now, however.
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