Thursday, April 17, 2008

In the Land of Sweets

There are an overwhelming amount of people in Japan, when asked, will say they hate sweet things. Fujita-sensei is case and point. Everytime I give him anything that may even have a grain of sugar in it, he eats it --out of politeness more than anything else-- and then tells me why he didn't like it.
That being said, there are also an overwhelming amount of sweets in Japan. A girl on a diet is in trouble everytime she walks into a mall, a convenient store, grocery store, or even a souvenir shop.
Fortunately, most of the time, the flavor are just simply unpalatable for the western tongue (red bean paste and green tea, for example) but some of the pastries just aren't fair. They are cute, and I mean too cute, and they are just begging to be eaten in the most violent fashion possible.

With a name like Pig Bread, it's a wonder it was delicious at all. It bought at the Australian Bakery in the far reaches of the the Noto inaka (rural rural countryside)

Melon Bread in the shape of a turtle, cleverly called Kamelon Bread (Kame being the word for turtle)

This probably violates all sorts of copy right laws. This is Tottoro, the Mickey Mouse of Japan. This was DELICIOUS! I ate his ears first.

Can you see how unfair life is here?

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