Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sunday was the day reserved for Kagaonsen. I went with Alessandro, Tammy, and Andrew. I was very nervous about the day because I was convinced that Alessandro was hitting on me, but I’m not exactly sure if that is the case anymore. Tammy was very nice, and took some photos for me. Her boyfriend was also very nice, but a little quiet. How they felt about me, however, I cannot rightly say.

From left to right: Ali, Alessandro, Andrew

I’m not even sure how I got to Kanazawa, but I feel quite proud that I did. The entire event was completely from the seat of my pants. At first, I thought I was

going to take a bus, but I could not find the damn bus schedule for the life of me. It is as if the existence of Togi’s bus station is so tentative that it does not take any great pains to assert itself. It is almost as if it were a lone bus station, where buses come and leave for no readily discernable reason. Instead, I drove to Hakui Station, where the train comes. Then, in very bad Japanese, I got a train ticket. The train, while it cost about ten dollars, was faster than taking my car! Needless to say, I was quite impressed with it.

Then, at Kanazawa Station, I met Alessandro, went shopping for birthday presents, and lost my phone. Of course, I had not realized that I lost it until we were on the other side of the gate. So, I just shrugged it off because that’s what I always do, and resolved to forget about it until after we came back.

Kagaonsen is home to a gigantic golden statue that loomed over the train. I am told that the people of the town hate it, but can nothing about it because it is privately owned. It reminds me of dad’s antenna that we used to have in Meadow Station. The only difference is that when the neighbors complained, we were forced to take it down.

From the train station, the view of the statue.

We went to this beautiful temple. Words do not describe it's beauty, and photos cannot full capture it, however:

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