Tuesday, December 4, 2007

In Which Alison Never Finishes What She Starts

Has anyone noticed that I never finish what I start? Well, I'm going to try and not let that happen. Every time this poor blog slips into hiatus, I'm going to grab its cold, stiff body from the river of my other inane --and let's face it, not very important-- activities and give it a breath of life. At least, I hope so. I will update at least once a week.

Now, if anyone so chooses, anybody can post a comment. So Grandma, Devin, Erick, and everyone else who cares about their beloved Alison's life, you can go ahead and comment! Yay!


Although, technically, I was supposed to be doing something on Sunday, I found myself with nothing to do and fretting the loss of internet. So, I did what I always do in such situations, left to go wander. Assuredly, there were many other things that required being finished, but I could not be bothered to do it. When one feels the inklings of depression --hormonally induced, naturally-- one does not choose to do such saddening and vile activities such as cleaning a very dirty apartment. I long for a dishwasher, or for someone to come over every once in awhile to force me to clean.

I took my car and traveled to Nanao, which I didn't actually make it to. I became ill in Nakajima, and barring I had little to no gas left, I choose to return home. Here are some photos of the (non) adventure:

Outside of what I think is the matsuri museum.

One of the many graves that are alongside the roads. This one is the prettiest I've seen.

All of the shoudo pictures one sees of Japan look very much like this. I never believed that it existed outside their imaginations.

Class has not been good lately. I just spent the day grading tests, and subsequently failing, all of my students. Days of the week, after three years of English, should not be difficult (although, upon reflection, I realize that I never learned them in French until college... I always assumed that I was a rare case), and weather should not be either! Body parts! I taught them. They played games about them! Why is it they suddenly can't remember? I'm told not to worry, that many of these students will drop out. But, all I can wonder at is, isn't that why we should be worrying?

But, that is a can of worms for another blog, one I will go into full detail tomorrow, as I have no class and no tests to administer.

Tata for now!

Alison is listening to: her heater desperately try to warm the room, and has therefore put Phil Collin's Against All Odds on to fit the mood.
Alison is eating: some sort of soy stirfry that turned out to be tolerable, at best.
Class was: alarmingly bad.
Alison is doing: her forgotten Japanese test.

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