Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Kids

Students, in Japan, are divided into different homerooms that have anywhere between 20 and 40 people. Togi is so small that it only has two homerooms for each year of students. I teach only 1-1 home, 1-2 home, 2-2 Oral, and 3-2 Oral. I have made a few friends in 2-1 Home and the only 15 people large 3-1 Home.

1-2 Home has the brightest personalities, all of whom I have been actively trying to tease out. The class is divided into two, so I only see one half at a time. I find this to be a godsend because they are easier to discipline in small groups, and I'm terrified to know what they are like if they have all of their friends with them.


My best student is a boy named Kyousuke, who is mentioned in a previous post as the boy who cried. He is the most studious, and he is continually coming up to me to tell me " teach me English, teach me English." It's very endearing. With him on my side, immediately all other students fall in line. I now see why teacher's in my experience were always friends with the popular kids. I never understood it, and certainly despised it, until now.

Kyousuke is a singer and guitarist, and he desperately wants a band. For this reason, and his adoration of English, he idolizes Tetsuya, my number one best student from the third years who shares the same interests. Kyousuke has bleached blond hair, which is a very big no-no, and continually wears his shirt tails outside of his pants. He tucks them in when a teacher tells him to, but then pulls them out when the teacher walks away. I always laugh when I catch him doing this, because he doesn't know whether he should tuck them back in or not. I'm relaxed about these things (I am American after all), so I don't care either way, but his indecision is always a source of mirth for me.

Next to Kyousuke is Yuki, the only student to pass the Step Eiken (National English Test of sorts). He is quiet, and terribly embarrassed most of the time, but his English is suitably good. I always think he looks funny, with his hair carefully preened, but looking overly processed. He wants the bad boy persona so badly, but is so prone to blushing that he can't achieve it. All he can do is stand unaware in the shadow of Kyousuke, hoping that people perceive him the same glorious, shining light.

Ahead of Kyousuke is another one of my favorite students: Tadamichi. He is always trying to speak English, but forgets how to connect the few words he knows into sentences. He's always excited, and is continually in a contest against Kyousuke to see who can do better. Although he's talkative, I like him because he's usually talking about something pertinent, even if it is in an attempt to be humorous.

Ayaka is the girl in this class that I really need to reach out to. She is decent at English, and therefore is lazy about it. I sense a kindred spirit in her, so I need to encourage her now before it is too late. Her apathy will stagnate her English ability, and then she will wonder why she isn't as good as the other students and then simply give up. I refuse to let this happen, but I am having trouble reaching her. Today was the tough love approach, when I made her the first person to do the presentation. When she did it completely wrong, I sent her to the end of the line and made her listen to every one else's and then do hers again. I like Ayaka, but I fear she can easily fall to the dark side.

Ryuutarou is simultaneously a glorious joy and a fantastic pain in the ass. He is loud, horrible at English, and hard to keep focused. On top of that, he is wonderfully handsome, and completely aware of it. There is no question in my mind that he has Attention Defecit Disorder. Trying to cope with that has been difficult, but I think I've begun to perfect the method. All one needs to do is chide him, but not in a way that embarrasses him. Being offhand in one's commands is the best way to deal with him because they seem more innocuous and aren't a direct challenge to his "badass-ness". Etienne tells me that is what Ryuutarou wants to be, and I don't doubt it. His best friend is Kyousuke, which is another reason I love having Kyousuke on my side. It makes Ryuutarou have to continually re-evaluate his participation in class.

On the left is Takeshi, a bizarre Picasso of boyish and girlish characteristics. He has a square face, but wide almond eyes with long lashes. His nose is a big strong nose, but his lips are plump and pink. He also has a bad case of acne, which he tries to cover up with concealer. No one seems to notice, and he is liked well enough. I like him, naturally, because he is respectful, and makes attempts to learn. With a little push, I could make him as good as Kyousuke. Unfortunately, he is unbelievably uncompetitive, so I would never be able to use him to spark the desire to win against him in any of the other students.

The others in class are of little consequence because they make themselves that way. Ryouta is very good at English, but is horribly shy. Kenta, who has to sit next to Ryuutarou and therefore has to be his partner, is so shy that he fears listening to English will embarrass him, so he shuts down immediately. I've been drawing him out more and more lately by asking him questions I know he can answer. Takahiro is reasonably good, despite the incident where he decided to take off his shirt in the middle of class, but he and Yuta prefer to sit back and let the class pass them by. Yoshihiko is so shy and butch it's adorable. His speaking is not very good, but he understands well. I wish I knew more about him. The girls are impossible to bring out in this class. Miku rides on Ayaka's efforts (which are called so only charitably) and Akina and Misaki are clueless. They are outcasts, so I feel that is the reason behind their awkwardness in class. Natsuko and Rina are also very good at English, but prefer to be like Takahiro and Yuta.

That is the class I just taught. It was difficult because I had to do it myself, but they don't seem to mind me repeating the English many times, or my muddling through bad Japanese translations of what I wish to say.

Listening to: Creep-sensei bother the other teachers. I am therefore seriously considering putting some Scissor Sister's on.
Eating: nothing! It's not lunchtime yet!
Class was: good, so far... but who knows how the next two will be!
Doing: this blog entry clearly.

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