Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Week at Random

I was trying to look pissed on purpose, but yet again, Shan beats me out for the prize. This is a picture given to me just today from Rachel Woodbrook's party. From left to right, Beth, James, Ali, Perry, and Shan.

Two things have happened since my last post--

1. A Very HAPPIE Christmas

Sunday, we had a Christmas Party for the Hakui Association for People Promoting International Exchange, and what a strange event that was. The foreigners, all Hakui people except for me, were divided so all the Japanese people could enjoy the novelty of talking to one. I mostly talked about how much I eat, and how I want to eat more. They may eat very little, but the Japanese sure do love food. I've noticed that no matter how bad their English is, they can always have a perfectly cogent conversation about lunch. There were two sketches done by the HAPPIE English classes.

One was The Algorithm March:

The whole march makes more sense at about 1:07, if ninjas ever make sense.

Owari! From left to right, Alicia, I don't know, Michiko, and David.

They also did a production of Snow White and the Dwarves. Nope, not seven. There were too many. So we were introduced to some new adjectives, like Hungry, and Stupid. I was roped in as the narrator, and I dare say, I did an excellent job.

The flash from the other camera is the fuzzy part on the picture. She made a great evil queen.

After that, we sang "Amazing Grace" (for reasons passing understanding), "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" and "Silent Night" a la midnight mass style. I tried to keep my candle burning, but it was to no avail because it was apparently too fun for the other guests to try and blow it out.

2. Survival of The Earthquake

Yes! There was an earthquake! Mom, if you're reading this, don't freak out. I survived it with much aplomb, and my house remains standing. I woke up a minute before hand, which makes me think that I must have Earthquake Spidey sense, and then all the sudden the ground lurched foward and shook for a few seconds. By the next morning, I had sworn that it was all a dream. But when Creep-sensei asked me about it, I realized that it had in fact happened.

I have one friend who was particularly pissed that he slept through it (I'll never understand deep sleepers) because he desperately wants to feel an earthquake. Sort of a dangerous sentiment, I think, and one I was in complete agreement with until that morning. I think I should never like to feel one again.

Alison is listening to: Hairspray playing in the background of her computer.
Alison is eating: omuraisu onigiri and weightloss soup.
Class was: boring because we watched a Charlie Brown Christmas.
Alison is doing: her Christmas Lesson, and trying to figure out how much candy she can give out.


Anonymous said...

Now you can join my club, Survivors of Rather Unimportant Earthquakes.

I think you're more qualified, however. Maybe you should be president. My last earthquake was in 1987.

Boom said...

Awesome. I need some more things to put on my application.